Resources for Aboriginal
Community-Controlled Organisations

We provide opportunities for mob from across Victoria to connect with one another and with members of the donor community.
Yarning Circles

Our regular online Yarning Circles started up in response to the Covid lockdowns. They proved so popular, we have kept them going. Representatives from ACCOs from all over the State come together to have a lunch-time yarn, to share ideas and experiences. Invited guest speakers from philanthropy and the broader community talk on a range of topics of general interest to our community members. Past guest speakers have included Professor Marcia Langton and Mr Terry Garwood, Deputy Chief of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
On Country Gatherings & Visits
Woor-Dungin meets on country with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations throughout the year as part of our working relationship with them. In addition to our Staff, we bring other pro-bono service providers to assist communities with the specific issues we discuss between the visits. We also bring representatives of philanthropic organisations whose interest we have secured in the communities' projects and goals.
We also organise an annual On Country Gathering for Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations throughout Victoria at different location each year. The purpose is to promote sharing and discussion of common and individual community interests, create fellowship and develop networking. It is also an opportunity for invited philanthropists to acquire a genuine understanding of who we are, our culture and our goals and for us to gain increased knowledge of philanthropy.
Community of Practice

Our Community of Practice is an online space for sharing information and resources on upcoming grant opportunities, tips for writing a successful grant application.
To join our Community of Practice and to get an invitation to our next Yarning Circle submit your expression of interest via the form.

Woor-Dungin has the ability to find and secure a broad network of providers of pro-bono services willing to support with your needs.
Service Providers
Our providers are companies like legal firms who are willing to offer their expertise at no cost to our First Nations partners. We also have a range of individuals with specialist skill sets who can be called upon to offer advice and support.

Is there something you, your staff or board want to learn how to do? We can run trainings to upskill in the things you want to do.
Training Workshops

Grant Seeker Workshop
Woor-Dungin held a half-day Grant Seeker workshop funded by City of Melbourne and Freemasons Foundation Victoria to upskill community organisations in the best practice processes and strategies of grant-seeking. We came together to review and discuss:
• The grants landscape
• Steps to ensuring an organisation is ‘grant-ready’
• How to package projects, create grant-ready project-plans, and set internal processes to succeed
• Feedback from funders on why applications do or don’t succeed
• How to build funder relationships
• How to write a great grant application, including examples of good and bad responses
• Next steps when an application is successful or unsuccessful, and effective reporting, acquittal and stewardship strategies

If there are specific skills you would like to address, drop us a line and we will do our best to help. Perhaps you are struggling to understand and to comply with governance requirements? Does your team want guidance on financial or IT systems? We ran two rounds of governance training workshops in 2022 with further capacity building programs to take place in 2023.